Port Vision Port of Harlingen: setting course for sustainable growth

Port of Harlingen – together with companies, the municipality and other stakeholders – has considered what it plans to focus on over the next 15 years. Our ambition? By 2035, the port of Harlingen will be the sustainable maritime and logistics heart of the Northern Netherlands.

Paul Pot, CEO of Port of Harlingen on the future of the port:

‘The port of Harlingen has an important role in the region. It is a logistics hub that makes a major contribution to the local and regional economy and provides many jobs. To maintain and strengthen this role, Port of Harlingen was privatised at the beginning of 2018. Control is needed to further professionalise the port. Our ambitions: to grow with respect for our beautiful surroundings, without physically expanding. We do this by making better use of the available space in the port area, increasing synergy between companies, nurturing fisheries and facilitating tourism. We are also continuing to work on safe, effective and efficient storage and transshipment options, and on a green energy cluster. This calls for cooperation and innovation. This is how we are strengthening our logistical and economic position.’

Watch the video for a brief impression of the future plans.